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Pilates for weight loss: does it work?

I started doing Pilates for weight loss last year, in the first period of the shock treatment to regain my health.

As soon as I hit the treatment with Endocrinologist and nutritionist I know it was mandatory to have a regular physical activity. Thing I didn’t practice it seriously for nearly 2 years.

I was with the 600-calorie diet, that was the beginning of my treatment of diabetes and weight loss. So I needed an activity light and supervised. My metabolism was going into a near-death State and I had to take a step.

Talking with the he indicated endocrine Pilates as a way to begin the move.

As good person eager I was thinking does Pilates serves to lose weight? Did I chose right? But, I was in my face and courage search studios and, luckily, was opening a Pilates Studio in front of my house.

Lucky huh? I always believe the universe gives us what we need at the moment that we need. I had no excuses, so I closed the monthly plan and I got to know the benefits of Pilates.

When I started Pilates I suffered anxiety and reflexes of stress Bournout syndrome brought me. My body was in the first step of detoxification and hormonal adjustments. Not been phases easier to pass, but the Pilates that helped me keep it together.

With the restrictive diet the body can feel weakness and have dizziness during any effort. So I needed a closer monitoring and Pilates, group classes, are with smaller groups.

In the Studio where I did are 3 students per class and got lucky thanks universe! -have a very caring teacher heard me pull to enlarge my limits very carefully.

In class, always with a soft music and hot I met a world of possibilities with my body. Doing breathing exercises, stretching, and in aparelhoes, with and without accessories. In other words, I experienced pilates as a whole.

-Tip: find a Studio that has this mix, soil/devices/accessories.

Outside this range of options the Pilates is not, even remotely, an activity stop. Is a low physical activity, so seniors can also do. But, it is an activity that requires the body and mind.

Before long I began to focus on the scores and understand parts of my body that I never even knew existed. Pilates has become my happy hour, 1 hour just thinking about me and that changed me!

I always think of others. Stop by 1 hour and be concentrating just on me and my body movements, gave me strength to change my behavior.

If I hadn’t started my changing habits by Pilates I don’t think it would have worked. I needed that emotional rescue to follow me taking care above all.

As was done with pilates for weight loss?

First the teacher explained to me that the weight loss would be the consequence of the improvement of metabolism. That is where the Pilates and any physical activity begin to act.

But pilates isn’t an activity directed for the thinning. He assists in the process as a whole, but it’s not your focus.

One of the techniques of Pilates that met in class used “only” the weight of my body in each workout. Without the help of springs of equipment required so much strength and concentration I perspired rivers.

Every class the teacher did exercises to gain strength, flexibility and balance. Each year associated with breathing and concentration, diminished the sense of stress, nervousness and anxiety.

Pilates helps you lose weight? Yes help!

Since Pilates helps to reduce anxiety and stress it helps control that hunger that is not physics. The improvement is gradual and continuous metabolism with practice, it pays to get a plan of 2 months at least. Not to mention the physical layout and increase mental too. And, in my case, the Pilates opened a world of physical possibilities that I’m loving exploring with the Academy.

Today I super recommend Pilates to everyone. Especially if you are overweight and has never done a physical activity. In the long run you will have a healthier body and mind what you’re going to encourage you to reach your goals.

In two months doing Pilates and hiking take I lost 9 pounds. Then my weight has stagnated and has stopped falling, which is normal, so I keep on doing weight training and swimming.

It was thanks to the Pilates I took a liking to move the body and ease the mind, focusing only on me! A thank you to professor Eduardo for your patience and dedication < 3

I recommend the text Myths and truths about Pilates (click) for those who still have doubts about it.

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